Monday Night TV Connections

My wife and I watch a few shows on Monday night's lineup. Tonight before the prime time lineup starts, we were watching a couple of old Friends episodes.

The first one was titled, "The One with Ross's Inappropriate Song". In it, Phoebe was meeting Mike's parent's for the first time. One of Mike's parents was played by Gregory Itzin, who plays President Logan on 24, a show on Monday night. Also a disgraced Logan was central to the night's show. The mother was played by Cristine Rose, who plays Angela Petrelli, mother to two main characters on Heroes, also a Monday night show. She also plays Mrs. Mosby on another Monday night show, How I met your Mother.

The second Friends episode was titled, "The One with Ross' Teeth" In this episode, Ross bleaches his teeth really bright on a first date. His date was played by Missi Pyle, who had a role on Heroes.

And finally, Rena Sofer, who plays Jack Bauer's sister-in-law on 24, also plays Heidi Petrelli on Heroes. She was also on an episode of Seinfeld, which played last night after the Oscar's. That is of course on Sunday night, but the Oscar's ran late, as usual, and Seinfeld ran past midnight, giving it a Monday connection.


'Be Al(l)' Connection

This morning, as I was heading in to work, I was listening to WOLX, a local "olides" radio station. (I had turned off WJJO because, they're one of those stations that loves to hear themselves talk in the morning. Um, hello...that's not why I listen to the radio!) Anyway, at one point during the drive, they were playing The Lovin' Spoonful's "Summer In The City." During one part of the song, the lyrics go:
But at night it's a different world
Go out and find a girl
Come-on come-on and dance all night
Despite the heat it'll be alright
As the lyrics played, "it'll be alright," I looked at the license plate ahead of me which read: BEALL 02.

  • "BEALL" license plate noticed in front of me, while "be al(right)" played on the radio
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    'Scrubs/IMDb' Connection(s)

    I watched the usual block of Scrubs this evening. We were watching something on TLC from 10:00 to 11:00, so I didn't get to watch the 10:30 episode on WGN, channel 13, but saw the 11:00 episode on WGN, and the 11:30 episode on The CW, channel 15. The 11:00 episode was My New Old Friend, from Jan 2003, and the 11:30 episode was My Friend the Doctor, from Dec 2003. ("Friend" in both titles.) In the former, there is a scene where the Janitor steals some of J.D.'s scrubs to pretend to be a doctor at his son's class' career day. Later, J.D. envisions the Janitor telling the class that his name is "Dr. Jan Itor." In the latter episode, there was a part where J.D. sees the Janitor in a scene from The Fugitive. Of course this made me wonder whether or not Neil Flynn had really been in the movie, or if it was something they "doctored up," (no pun intended), for Scrubs. To the Web! Specifically, IMDb. Search for Scrubs, then follow the Neil Flynn link. Sure enough, he was in the movie. While on Neil's page, I decided to look at his bio/trivia. One piece of trivia states the following:
    His "Scrubs" (2001) character has been named only possibly twice. In episode #3x08, "My Friend the Doctor," it is revealed that the Janitor played the part of "Transit cop" in The Fugitive (1993), a part that was actually played by Neil Flynn. Because of that, fans have speculated that the Janitor's mysterious name is also Neil Flynn. In another episode (in one of J.D.'s fantasies), the janitor is talking to his son's class in school and refers to himself as Jan Ítor.
    (It goes on to mention that the Janitor refers to himself by that name in thought in another episode.) So, it just so happens, that the two unrelated episodes aired on two separate stations, happen to be the two that share a connection of the Janitor's mysterious unknown name.

  • Two separate Scrubs episodes on two channels, each with "Friend" in the title
  • Above episodes happen to be the 2 that shed some possible insight into the Janitor's name
  • 'Circle/Slash' Connection

    I was working tonight on an acquaintance's computer: backing up data, installing Windows XP, restoring data, etc. Well, of course, those that know me would know that I would set up the main profile of that machine as a non-Administrator, and tell this family that they should only use the Administrator account when absolutely necessary, (i.e. installing software, etc.) So I thought, "I should change the default Welcome screen icon for the Administrator account to something like a red circle with a slash through it to help warn them to stay out of the profile. I did a quick search for that graphic in Google and found a match. I saved that graphic to the hard drive and made that the profile icon associated with the Administrator account. A Few seconds later, I looked over the monitor into the living room, where I still had the TV on from earlier. It was now late night programming when all the crappy "Paid Programming" comes on, (oh my freaking God do I hate when that happens!!!) So, this particular commercial was for an acne product of some kind, but it showed an image of a red circle with a slash through it super-imposed over someones acne-riddled face.

  • Two different instances of the red circle with a slash image around a minute apart
  • 20070205


    I don't know why, but the thought went through my head not 5 minutes ago that a co-worker was going to be sick and wouldn't be in work tonight. He would email another co-worker saying "I'm letting you know just in case the boss isn't in."

    Just now, my co-worker said to me "I just got an email from M. He's got the flu. He emailed me in case the boss wasn't working."

    What the hell is that???